If you’re familiar with San Francisco politics, you probably know that Scott Wiener sucks. And I’m not talking about dick. He does suck dick, and that’s perfectly fine. He can consensually suck all the dick in San Francisco and I would applaud him because there’s nothing wrong with being gay. Fox News has a history of unfairly weaponizing Scott’s sexuality to misrepresent legislation and portray Scott Wiener as a pedophile. That’s disgusting, and pedophilia isn’t the problem with Scott Wiener, as there is no evidence of him being a pedophile. Everything-fucking-else is the problem with Scott The Wiener. Except for him being Jewish, that’s also fine. He could suck a dick or have his dick sucked in a synagogue and I would say “Hey… Great job.” This isn’t a slight to Judaism. I would also be supportive of Scott if he were to engage in sexual activity in a church or a mosque as well. I personally think sexual activity should be encouraged in places of worship. When else do you scream “Oh God!” with as much passion and enthusiasm?
Sexuality and semitic heritage shouldn’t be used as a shield for shitty, short-sighted narcissism, and Scott Wiener has displayed nothing but during his tenure in the California State Senate. San Francisco, the Bay Area, and California as a whole — while undoubtedly gorgeous, is one of the roughest places to live in the United States. Our working class — the life’s blood of our economy and the true conduit for what is considered California Culture, suffer greatly at the Harvard-tainted hands of Senator Wiener.
While many think an Ivy League education is something to praise, on the contrary, it’s an exclusionary club where the wealthiest among us network and devise new ways to make the common man’s life perpetually poorer.
San Francisco isn’t just a city of tech trillionaires and fentanyl zombies allegedly getting paid by the city to sit around and scare Fox News viewers. It’s a city of artists, baristas, bartenders, mechanics, musicians, grocery store clerks, garbagemen, teachers, writers, firefighters, florists, poets, punks, and mostly normal fuckin’ people. But due to an overly used, but altogether entirely accurate word: gentrification — many of the people that breathe life into the city can’t live there, and have to commute in.
Some take public transportation, and that’s fine. I literally have a BART ticket with every Bay Area area code permanently tattooed on my arm, but many members of San Francisco’s working class have jobs that require cars and they can’t afford to live in San Francisco because formerly affordable areas have been decimated and entire communities have been displaced.
Most of the cities where the working class are allowed to exist are a bridge, if not two bridges away from the fog-moistened hills of San Francisco.
Vallejo, California is an example of one of the few Bay Area cities where people who work normal, but incredibly essential jobs, can afford to live. Despite only being 30 miles from San Francisco, it’s two bridge tolls away.
Back in 2023, Scott Wiener introduced SB 532, the Safe, Clean, Reliable, Emergency Public Transportation Act. Great name, shitty legislation. It would effectively make the bridge toll of Bay Area bridges $8.50 per crossing. That would mean that a working class person who commutes from a city like Vallejo would pay $17 dollars in a single day just to get to work. That’s not counting the cost of sitting in Bay Area rush hour traffic or having to pay for California’s exorbitantly-priced gasoline.
He clearly doesn’t think of these things because he’s fucking rich and privileged enough to not only survive in San Francisco, but thrive there. This is not a man someone should feel pity for. Scott Wiener’s existence is antithetical to that of a victim.
But he sure loves to play one.
While October 7th was a tragedy, and the hostages should be freed, it didn’t happen in a vacuum. Israel was literally founded upon the graves and ethnic erasure of the indigenous Palestinian people. In 1948, Israel introduced hell to the Arab world, and acted victimized whenever it met resistance to a list of war crimes rivaling that of the Nazis. As a response to October 7th, Israel felt it found justification in perpetuating a genocide upon the entirety of the Palestinian people. Which Scott Wiener will not publicly call a genocide, but he has publicly called Oct. 7th a “pogrom.” Israel also used the Oct. 7th attacks as an excuse to bomb Lebanon and Syria, two countries uninvolved in the conflict… Convenient.
When the crimes perpetuated at the hands of the IDF filled our feeds with the corpses of dead women and children, Scott Wiener, when confronted about his pro-Israel stance, hid behind baseless claims of antisemitism. He claimed to be the victim. He’s rich, white, and un-bombed. Yet, while justifying an ideology that is knee deep in the blood of children, he shielded himself with the legitimate Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the Pogroms like a little bitch.
For the rest of this article, I’m going to be talking directly to Scott Wiener.
Do you think if we resurrected the 6 million Jews who perished at the hands of an evil ethno-nationalist like Hitler, and then transported them to modern day Gaza, would they really be able to tell the difference? Would they prefer bombs to ovens, and gas chambers? Would they argue that rape at the hands of IDF soldiers was preferrable to the rape committed by the Nazis, Scott? No? I didn’t think so.
Do you think your lifestyle in San Francisco, the most beautiful city in the United States as a successful politician and an Ivy League graduate is somehow comparable to the suffering in Gaza, the West Bank or the conditions faced by Jews in Nazi Germany? If not, don’t hide behind them as a way to shield yourself from criticism of an ideology fueling a contemporary and comparable genocide.
Victims in a collective sense are people who are largely powerless — people whose entire survival rests upon the decisions of the privileged. The oppressed can’t call in institutional favors or have their protests (just or unjust) heard. When someone has the courage to speak on behalf of those truly suffering, it is often met with dismissal and backlash. So let’s talk about Dr. Rupa Marya.
Dr. Marya said that “med students at UCSF are concerned that a first-year student from Israel is in their class,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Do I think it was correct for her to single out a student based upon their nation of origin? No. But more severe prejudice happens to oppressed groups in San Francisco all of the time without any consequence.
For the sake of comparison, let’s talk about Keita O’Neil.
Keita was unarmed when he was shot in a drive-by style shooting by a San Francisco Police Officer named Christopher Samayoa who had only been with SFPD for four days. Chesa Boudin (who is also Jewish) made the right call by prosecuting this cop for manslaughter. I personally would have charged him with murder because that’s what it was. However, despite legitimate grievance from SF’s shrinking black community, the charges were dropped against the cop who killed O’Neil.
Do you see what I’m saying, Scott? You’re privileged. If someone does something wrong to a community you identify with (I say identify because you’re not fucking Israeli) even verbally, they can be ousted by the institution. The people or person you feel that wronged you will face repercussions. I think Dr. Marya was wrong. As an American, I shouldn’t be blamed for the Iraq war, or as someone of partial Jewish heritage myself, I don’t think I should be personally held accountable for the crimes committed by Israel. If someone were to blame me for things I think are disgusting, I would find that unfair.
Brooke Jenkins, the current District Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco, is a person of color. London Breed, the Mayor of San Francisco, is a person of color. The fucking Chief of Police is a person of color. These aren’t stupid people. They all know people like Keita O’Neil, Mario Woods, and Banko Brown were unjustly murdered, and because they are worried about jeopardizing their position within a bureaucracy that favors people of specific races and classes, they will allow it to happen for political survival. You don’t have to do that because the system actively protects you.
It protected you in 2015. Remember when you were robbed by someone who was legitimately marginalized in San Francisco? While robbery is wrong, and you shouldn’t have been robbed, you should also know that you’re a wealthy transplant in a city filled natives that are struggling. You still put her through the criminal justice system, you put her in a box for nearly two years and made her read a poem to you. She should have gone to a drug program. The reason why people like her exist in such large quantities is because of the prioritization of people like you (NOT YOU AS IN JEWISH OR GAY, YOU AS IN WHITE) who had every advantage. Your Jewishness, nor your sexuality has robbed you of anything. It seems the only thing life has temporarily taken from you is a cellphone.
Jews have historically been marginalized because they didn’t bend a knee to empires. They kept their traditions alive despite persecution. It didn’t matter if it was the Roman Empire, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Nazis. Jews have always stood up for the oppressed. Jesus in my view wasn’t a messiah, but a Palestinian-Jewish revolutionary who told the Romans to go fuck themselves.
But things change with time. The days of Nazi Germany are over, at least for Jews. Jews have done very well for themselves in America. Is antisemitism a threat? Absolutely. And in my view Zionism is antisemitism because it tarnishes the beauty of the Jewish religion, and the Jewish heritage with a hateful, racist ideology that will undoubtedly fuel anti-Jewish sentiment for several generations to come. And when someone criticizes the idea of a Jewish ethno-state, it’s not because it’s Jewish, it’s because ethno-states are inherently evil. It’s evil when the Nazis attempted it in Germany. It’s evil when Europeans attempted it in America through segregation, and it’s evil when the Israelis do it in the Middle East.
But, I believe anyone can change. It’s Yom Kippur today — a time of atonement for the Jewish people. Which by extension is the conclusion of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. It’s a time when Jewish people start fresh. So go to a body of water and atone for alignment with an ideology that has killed anywhere between 40,000 to 200,000 people in just under a year.
Zionists aren’t Jews.
Jews stand up against injustice, and unfortunately have faced unspeakable consequences throughout history as a result. Zionists are whiny advocates for empire — a group of genocidal ‘Disney adults’ who think there’s some magical kingdom just for them. A safe Jew is an integrated Jew. Not a European who highlights the word Nazi in Ashkenazi.
It’s delusional and it’s dangerous.
So stop doing it. Also homophobia is fucked up, but you’re in San Francisco, no one gives a fuck that you’re gay. Honestly being gay in even the most conservatives corners of the Bay Area is the cultural equivalent of jaywalking. It’s boring. If you’re not coming out as a transgender, trans-abled and transracial by next week, I’m bored.
All jokes aside, when an entire people are being systematically wiped out by genocide, maybe try not making it about you for a second.
Oppression of the past doesn’t justify oppression in the present. All ethno-states should be destroyed. Jews and Palestinians should live as equal in a free Palestine, not in apartheid and genocide.
I don’t hate you, I like some of your policies and your TikTok videos are legitimately funny and clever. But stop the bullshit. It hurts us all.
שָׁנָה טוֹבָה
Happy New Year, Scott.
Hopefully you make some resolutions.