Biden Proves Presidents Don't Matter
If a guy with dementia can do the job, is there even a job to be done?
I know what you’re thinking — that I’m probably a Republican, and if you think that, you’re wrong. I hate the Republican Party. If I could press a button and make the Republicans disappear into some ditch of despair on some faraway planet, I would press it twice.
But that doesn’t make me a Democrat. Do I vote Democrat? Unfortunately, yes. But I’m never happy about it. And as time goes on, I’m becoming even more disillusioned with the Democrats.
If you were starving, and you found some moldy bread on the floor of a bathroom with piss stained floors in some shitty punk bar, would you eat it? Yes, but would you be happy to eat it or recommend it to your friends as some kind of delicious delicacy to savor? Probably not.
I’ve always assumed that being the President of the United States was a hard job. Remember when Obama started going gray, and the media pointed to that as a sign of the stress he was under? I used to agree with that idea, but I don’t think that’s what turned Obama’s hair gray, I think the fact that he was in his 40s did that to him.
And Joe Biden’s presidency proves it.
If being President is such a hard job, how the fuck is Biden doing it? The man looks like Walmart greeter got lost in the parking lot of a strip mall somewhere in the outer reaches of suburbia, walked into a Men’s Warehouse that his dementia-addled brain mistook for his own closet and accidentally stole a suit while mumbling to himself incoherently about political issues that he didn’t quite understand.
And his speeches look like someone saw this man wondering around that parking lot and decided it was be fun idea to put him on a stage and convince him he was President just to see what would happen and how far it would go.
Unfortunately, Biden is not a confused man in a stolen suit, he’s a confused man in a suit he owns, rambling incoherently in a country he supposedly runs.
But it’s clear that he doesn’t. And if he doesn’t, who does?
We don’t know, and that’s the problem. Presidents are simply figureheads who we are supposed to believe preside over the population, but putting a signature on pieces of paper and reading off of teleprompters is something the majority of the population can do, and something that President Biden struggles to do.
This man couldn’t get a regular job. Biden can’t work at a coffee shop, he can’t write code he couldn’t even be a security guard, but yet we’re supposed to believe he should do something as consequential as running the free world?
Presidents are brands. Coke and Pepsi, McDonalds and Burger King, Shit and Piss. We may recognize the brands, and we may even have allegiance to them or at least a preference of which ones we want, but we don’t know anything about the ingredients of how they’re made. The same goes for politics. The people we’re voting for are just faces used shield tiny people who make big impact in the background.
My suggestion is find the people in the background and hold them accountable for the things you don’t like. If you get them to listen to you, the figureheads will follow.
Just a thought.