Can you remember a time in your life when America wasn’t at war? You probably can’t because we’re always at fucking war with someone. Our country’s ability to find an excuse to bomb other countries is stunning.
Does your country have a dictator? America will bomb because there is a dictator. Did your country elect someone? Well… America will bomb because… We think he’s a dick.
In 2024 alone, the United States has directly bombed Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia (by the way, we’ve been bombing Somalia every year since the Black Hawk Down incident. No one talks about it, though.) Not only that, but we have been supporting a hot war in Eastern Europe, a genocide in Gaza, and a cold war in the South China Sea.
So if the United States is already engaging in war-like activities all over the world, how will make 2025 be different? I’m so glad you asked, please allow me to explain. The United States isn’t the only power in the world anymore, and it’s our fault. Back in the 1980s, there was this guy named Ronald Reagan, if you didn’t know, he’s basically still the president… at least philosophically. You see, Reagan was the the guy that was put in office on behalf of corporate America. His job was essentially to deregulate industries, cut social safety nets, and basically watch the world burn.
During his presidential pillage of America, he made a long term mistake that we are currently grappling with: The rise of China. In 1981, Ronald Reagan lifted trade restrictions with China, which essentially allowed for them to take a massive amount of formerly good paying, blue collar American jobs, and have the goods that were previously manufactured here, made in China. You ever notice how fucking everything is made in China? That’s why.
Economists in the ‘80s didn’t seem to realize this, or maybe they took post-war American prosperity for granted, but America’s power was built on its workforce. When America emerged as the official leader of the free world after World War 2, which lead into the 1950s and ‘60s, America majorly developed. Most of the infrastructure we take for granted in the United States are remnants from this period of American expansion. This made the United States a power house worldwide.
Prior to Reagan’s cucking of the country, there was this guy named Milton Freidman. Friedman wrote articles and gave lectures essentially saying businesses have a responsibility to do whatever it takes to maximize profits as long as it isn’t directly breaking any laws.
The business community took this to heart. Profitable companies started firing people to become even more profitable, while in most cases, they didn’t outright break laws, they certainly funded politicians to pass laws in their favor.
You’re probably thinking, “Abe, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Well, allow me to simplify. The United States government eased trading restrictions with China. They did this so American corporations could take advantage of the Chinese workforce. This built the Chinese economy, and allowed China to access to the same set of tools the US used to build its economy. Thus making China powerful. While America was focusing on crushing the Russians, China was quietly gaining power. People didn’t really seem to give a fuck because America was beating the Russians. One of the main reasons why the Russians lost was due to the fact that the Eastern Block didn’t really have any way of tapping into the American economy. China did.
When the Soviet Union fell in 1989, the world went from a multipolar world, which means there are two sources of power competing for dominance, to a unipolar world, which means there’s one power, and there’s no one else in a position to compete against it. So the Cold War ended, Mr. Gobachev tore down the Berlin Wall, and Americans got fat and happy on cheap Chinese goods while simultaneously destroying its blue collar workforce.
America, if it didn’t succumb to the influence of corporations, was basically on cruise control to essentially continue its domination of the world, but they wanted short term profits over long term stability. This built China and is creating a multipolar world all over again with China taking Russia’s place.
Economists have projected China and the US will reach parity by 2030. You know what that means? Cold War part two, bitch.
You probably think of the term “Cold War” in the context of the competition between Russia and the United States which kicked off after World War 2. But what a Cold War is in definitive terms is this: a series of small conflicts around the world to assert dominance. What does this look like? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a proxy war in Eastern Europe to militarily drain China’s biggest ally. Maybe it’s an increasingly aggressive Israel to indirectly expand America’s footprint in the Middle East that happens coincidentally at the same time as a coup takes place in Syria, which essentially operated as a Russian outpost in the region. It could even look like selling Taiwan a shit ton of weapons to make China nervous. It could potentially look like drones over fucking New Jersey with impressive military technology the United States can’t really defend against so they create a public spectacle claiming the possibility of aliens. It could look like that.
In order to justify all of this conflict, the media needs us to be on board. We need to feel indifference to the suffering of Arabs in Gaza, to Eastern Europeans in both Russia and Ukraine, and now to China, despite the fact that our economy is entirely tied to theirs. Which, if you didn’t realize, is the entire reason behind Trump’s tariff shit. Trump wants to incentivize bringing back some of those manufacturing jobs to the United States.
Good fucking luck.
The reality is this: we’re in a war, and this time we might lose, and the reason why that is a possibility is because corporate American wanted to make more money by exploiting workers in China.
It’s time to end this bloated article with a quote from the current President of the United States since 1980, Ronald Reagan:
“Now, Mr. Gorbachev, whip out that cock. We’re getting Pizza Hut in Russia tonight! The only thing that could ruin this pizza party is if Russia gets a leader that isn’t a western puppet. Luckily that won’t happen. Ha… Who the fuck is Vladimir Putin?”